CARE4U2DAY Limited
01442 : 213379
What Are Direct Payments?
A direct payment is a cash payment that is paid directly to you, if you have eligible for care & support needs.
Having a direct payment means you can have more choices and control over arranging your own care and support package, including who helps you and at what times you need it.
Direct payments is not a form of income and will not affect your benefits. Direct payments are not a benefit and are different from the Department of Work and Pensions.
Who Can have a direct payment?
Direct payments are available to anyone who currently has no support or has been assessed by social services that requires support. You must be aged 16 or over and willing and able to manage this money, with help if required.
At Care4u2day, we have many service users, that have taken the direct payments route, thus giving them a choice of which care agency that meets their needs & support requirements. With this in mind, our detailed service level agreement outlines our responsibility to you.
The service user, who receives direct payments will be responsible for paying the care agency directly, at CARE4U2DAY we provide every service user with a service level agreement that details the costs, durations, etc. Every invoice run, the service user will receive a detailed breakdown of services provided for such periods.
Your Legal Right
Freedom of Choices
Whom you want to provide such services (Care Agency or a pa )
Which days you require
At what times
Duration of each call
How many calls you require to meet your needs
What support do you require?
Choice of females or males or both
How to make a complaint,
Care Quality Commission Regulation 16: Receiving & acting on complaints
If for any reason you feel that your complaint is not being dealt with correctly you have a right to make a complete directly to the Care Quality Commission.