CARE4U2DAY Limited
01442 : 213379

Code of Conduct
All adult social care workers in England are expected to meet the standards set out in the Code of Conduct. It outlines the behaviours and attitudes that people who access care and support should rightly expect. It’s good practice to display this in your workplace.
Our Values
It’s important that all of our staff in all different roles have the right values to work within our company and in social care. Our company has its own set of workplace values and standards, as this will help you to embed a positive workplace culture. These values should underpin all learning and development activity.
Care Certificate
The Care Certificate is an agreed set of standards that set out the knowledge, skills and behaviours expected of those new to the health and social care sectors. It describes the minimum things support workers must know and be able to do.
is the beginning of the career journey for those new to care
is a foundation for health and adult social care integration
ensures those new to the sector are supported
is endorsed by the Care Quality Commission (CQC)
is a CQC expectation - all employers should be offering it.
Core Skills
Every worker in adult social care needs English, number, digital, and employability skills, including teamwork and problem-solving skills. These are collectively known as core skills. They ensure social care workers can complete everyday tasks such as communicating with the individuals they support, counting medication, using a computer, completing a care plan, recording data into the daily visit logs, and recording medication onto the MAR charts etc.
Care Assistants: Training & development
Minimum Care Standards
Care Certificate
Safe Handling of Medicines
Moving & Handling
Covid-19 Infection Control
Food Hygiene & Safery
Health & Safety
Equality & Diversity
First Aid
Fire Safety
Company Standards
Induction training 12 Weeks
Company policies and procedures
M.A.R Chart training
Daily visit log training
Care Planning Mobile App training
Microsoft teams training
Company Email training
Specialist Training
Peg / Rig medication training
Peg / Rig feeding training
End of life care
Dementia training
Motor Neurone training
Stoma training
Diabetes training
Pressure care training
RQF Level 2 Diploma
RQF Level 3 Diploma
GDPR Data Protection
Safeguarding Adults
Mental Capacity Act 2005
Preventing Slips,Trips,Falls in the workplace

It is the policy of our company that we ask all our care assistants to supply all of there health care training certificates, this helps our key management to plan the required training and development plans, it doesn't matter if your certificates go back 10-20 years, this provides evidence of your skills.
The company has a reputation for high-quality care, thus allowing our key management to train all our care assistants in "what is right" - "and how it should be done", we do not rush our training programs, nor a care team when providing high-quality care to our patients or service users. Communication is one of the highest requirements within our company, as working together increases the quality of our reputation as detailed on homecare.co.uk
Training Compliance